SRE Bootcamp Series — SRE vs DevOps
Concepts & Practices
Hello Geeks,
I am currently participating in a bootcamp as a Full time Site Reliability Engineer at a company engaged in Real-time Game Crash Reporting, Lobby & Matchmaking, Game Telemetry & Analytics, Player Portal, Launcher & Patcher named Accelbyte.
In essence, this company is a company engaged in game services in collaboration with client companies such as West Gate Games, Versus Evil, Bandai Namco, Warner Bros. and many more. For information, the location of this company is in 3 regions, namely:
- Seattle, USA
- Vancouver, Canada
- Yogyakarta, Indonesia
In this company I work with engineers from various countries and regions. There are from Singapore, China, US, and of course Indonesia. In writing this series, I will share the experiences and knowledge I have gained as an SRE. I will explain from the introduction to the hands-on that I have done so far.
Through This article I will explain how DevOps and SRE facilitate building reliable software, where they overlap, how they differ from each other, and when they can efficiently work side by side. We hope the information will be useful for DevOps specialists, product managers, CTOs, and other executives seeking ways to improve the reliability of their systems without victimizing the speed of innovations.
Google SRE vs DevOps basics: two sides of the same coin
In essence, two methodologies do the same thing: They try to bridge the gap between development and operations teams. Both aim at improving the release cycle and achieving better product reliability. But before diving deeper into the differences and similarities between them, let’s think back to when and for what reason SRE and DevOps appeared at all.
What is SRE?
Site Reliability Engineering or SRE is a unique, software-first approach to IT operations supported by the set of corresponding practices. It originated in the early 2000s at Google to ensure the health of a large, complex system serving over 100 billion requests per day. In the words of Ben Treynor Sloss, Google’s VP of engineering who coined the very term SRE,
“It’s what happens when you ask a software engineer to design an operation function.”
The primary focus of SRE is system reliability, which is considered the most fundamental feature of any product. The pyramid below illustrates elements contributing to the reliability, from the most basic (monitoring) to the most advanced (reliable product launches).
Once the system is “reliable enough.” SRE shifts efforts to adding new features or creating new products. It also puts much attention on tracking results, making measurable performance improvements, and automating operations tasks.
What is DevOps?
The term DevOps (short for development and operations) was coined in 2009 by Patrick Debois, Belgian IT consultant and Agile practitioner. Its core principles are similar to those of SRE: application of engineering practices to operations tasks, measuring results, and reliance on automation instead of manual work. But its focus is much broader.
While SRE concentrates on keeping services running and available to users, DevOps aims to cover the entire product life cycle, from design to operations, making all processes continuous after Agile methodologies. Such end-to-end continuity is paramount to reducing time to market and making rapid changes.
Another difference from SRE is that DevOps emerged in the first place as a culture and mindset that didn’t specify how exactly to implement its ideas. It’s often viewed as a generalization of key SRE methods so that they can be used by a wider range of organizations. Likewise, SRE can be seen as an embodiment of DevOps visions. The next section describes the interactions between two methodologies in more detail.
Practice vs mindset: how Site Reliability Engineering implements DevOps philosophies
Broadly speaking, DevOps describes what needs to be done to unify software development and operations. Whereas SRE prescribes how this can be done. DevOps culture is based on several pillars that are covered by corresponding SRE practices.
Five key DevOps pillars are
- No more silos. The idea stems from the fact that a lack of collaboration and information flow across teams reduces productivity.
- Failures are normal. DevOps prescribes learning from mistakes rather than spending resources on an unattainable goal — preventing all failures.
- The change should be gradual. Changes are most effective and low-risk when they are small and frequent. This pillar combined with automated testing of small batches of code and rollback of bad ones underlies the concepts of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD).
- The more automation the better. DevOps focuses on automation to deliver updates faster and free up hours of manual effort.
- Metrics are crucial. Each change should be measured to understand whether it brings the results you expect.
Now let’s see what SRE offers to put these pillars into practice.
Treat operations as a software problem
Corresponds to “no more silos,” “the more automation the better”
SRE utilizes software engineering to solve operations problems. In other words, software solutions are created to instruct a computer how to perform IT operations automatically, without human intervention. SRE specialists apply the same tools that developers typically use and share responsibility for product success with a software development team.
Minimize toil
Corresponds to “the more automation the better,” “metrics are crucial”
In terms of SRE, toil is manual, repetitive work devoid of long-term value and related to running a production service. Examples of toil are
- regular password resets,
- manual releases,
- reviewing non-critical alerts, and
- manual scaling of infrastructure.
SRE’s rule of thumb is to keep toil below 50 percent of engineers’ work time. Once the threshold is exceeded, the team needs to identify the top source of toil. Then engineers develop a software solution to automate some tasks and achieve a healthy work balance. A good practice is to eliminate a bit of toil each week.
Measure uptime and availability of the system
Corresponds to “metrics are crucial”
According to SRE, a key precondition for a system’s success is availability. If your service is unavailable at a certain time, it can’t perform its functions. To measure the availability and thus ensure that everything goes right, SRE provides three metrics.
1. Service-Level Indicator (SLI) is a quantitative measurement of a system’s behavior. The main SLI for most services is request latency — or the time needed to respond to a request. Other commonly used SLIs are throughput of requests per second and errors per request. These metrics are usually collected within a certain period of time and then converted into rates, averages, or percentiles.
2. Service-Level Objective (SLO) is a target range of values set by stakeholders (say, the average request latency must be under 100 milliseconds). The system is supposed to be reliable if its SLIs continuously meet SLOs.
3. Service-Level Agreement (SLA) is a promise to customers that your service will meet certain SLOs over a certain period. Otherwise, a provider will pay some kind of penalty. SRE isn’t directly involved in setting SLAs. However, it helps to avoid missed SLOs and the financial losses they entail.
Set error budget
Corresponds to “failures are normal,” “changes should be gradual,” “metrics are crucial”
SRE doesn’t aim to hit 100-percent reliability as this goal is unrealistic. “…100 percent is not the right reliability target, Ben Treynor confirms, because no user can tell the difference between a system being 100 percent available and, let’s say, 99.999 percent available.” Moreover, upon achieving a certain level, a further increase in reliability doesn’t benefit the system, restricting the speed and frequency of updates.
So, the goal of SRE is to deliver sufficiently good services without sacrificing the ability to deliver new features often and fast. This approach tolerates the acceptable risk of failure called the error budget.
In Google, the error budget is defined quarterly, based on SLOs. It gives a clear vision of how much risk is allowed within a quarter. Once the agreed-upon metric is exceeded, the team shifts its focus from the development of updates to improving reliability.
Reduce the cost of failure
Corresponds to “failures are normal,” “changes should be gradual”
The later in the product life cycle the error is detected, the higher the cost of fixing it. SRE recognizes this fact and tries to solve problems as early as possible using the following practices.
Rollback early, rollback often. When an error is revealed or even suspected in a release, the team rolls back first and explores the problem second. This approach reduces the Mean Time to Recovery (MTTR) — or the average time needed to recover your service from a failure.
Canary all rollouts. Canary release is a method to make the rollout process safer. An update is introduced to a small part of users first. They test it and provide feedback. After all required changes are made, the release is made available to everybody. Canary releases cut the Mean Time to Detect (MTTD) that reflects how long it usually takes your team to detect an issue. Besides, the method reduces the number of customers affected by system failures.
Create and maintain playbooks
Corresponds to “no more silos,” “automate everything”
Playbooks or runbooks are documents describing diagnostic procedures and ways to respond to automated alerts. They reduce Mean Time to Repair (MTTR), stress, and the risk of human error.
Entries in playbooks are out of date as soon as the environment changes. So, when it comes to daily releases, these guides need daily updates as well. Considering that creating good documentation is hard, some SREs advocate creating only general instructions that change slowly. Others insist on detailed, step-by-step playbooks to eliminate variability.
Google’s SRE Workbook recommends implementing automation if a playbook contains a list of commands engineers run every time in the case of a particular alert.