SRE Bootcamp Series — AWS

AWS Cloud Essentials

Jansutris Apriten Purba
7 min readMay 26, 2021

Hallo Geeks, I hope you feeling good and enjoy your entire life.

Now i’d like to convey to you:

  • Region
  • Availibility Zone (AZ)
  • AWS Services: Compute, Storage, Networking, Security
  • License and Guarantee program
  • How to pay for aws service
  • AWS Free Services
  • Learn with AWS
  • Learning Path from AWS
  • Certification and training

First think first, I want to said that my objective is about sharing the pieces of the slide which presented by Indonesian language. So, this article will tell to you in bilingual. I hope also the slide could explain more than words.

All of these knowledge is officially from AWS Workshop. The topic of the workshop is about AWS Cloud Essentials. Anyway, I want to say thanks to AWS because of his kindness, I can get the knowledge related of AWS product and services as free. So that, I could become more confident to work at Accelbyte Inc.

Happy Reading guys!


Each Amazon EC2 Region is designed to be isolated from the other Amazon EC2 Regions. This achieves the greatest possible fault tolerance and stability.

The following diagram illustrates multiple AWS Regions.

When you view your resources, you see only the resources that are tied to the Region that you specified. This is because Regions are isolated from each other, and we don’t automatically replicate resources across Regions.

When you launch an instance, you must select an AMI that’s in the same Region. If the AMI is in another Region, you can copy the AMI to the Region you’re using. For more information, see Copy an AMI.

Note that there is a charge for data transfer between Regions. For more information, see Amazon EC2 Pricing — Data Transfer.

Available Regions

Your account determines the Regions that are available to you.

  • An AWS account provides multiple Regions so that you can launch Amazon EC2 instances in locations that meet your requirements. For example, you might want to launch instances in Europe to be closer to your European customers or to meet legal requirements.
  • An AWS GovCloud (US-West) account provides access to the AWS GovCloud (US-West) Region and the AWS GovCloud (US-East) Region. For more information, see AWS GovCloud (US).
  • An Amazon AWS (China) account provides access to the Beijing and Ningxia Regions only. For more information, see AWS in China.

The following table lists the Regions provided by an AWS account. You can’t describe or access additional Regions from an AWS account, such as AWS GovCloud (US) Region or the China Regions. To use a Region introduced after March 20, 2019, you must enable the Region. For more information, see Managing AWS Regions in the AWS General Reference.

For more information, see AWS Global Infrastructure.

The number and mapping of Availability Zones per Region may vary between AWS accounts. To get a list of the Availability Zones that are available to your account, you can use the Amazon EC2 console or the command line interface. For more information, see Describe your Regions.

Availability Zones (AZ)

Each Region has multiple, isolated locations known as Availability Zones. When you launch an instance, you can select an Availability Zone or let us choose one for you. If you distribute your instances across multiple Availability Zones and one instance fails, you can design your application so that an instance in another Availability Zone can handle requests.

The following diagram illustrates multiple Availability Zones in an AWS Region.

You can also use Elastic IP addresses to mask the failure of an instance in one Availability Zone by rapidly remapping the address to an instance in another Availability Zone. For more information, see Elastic IP addresses.

An Availability Zone is represented by a Region code followed by a letter identifier; for example, us-east-1a. To ensure that resources are distributed across the Availability Zones for a Region, we independently map Availability Zones to names for each AWS account. For example, the Availability Zone us-east-1a for your AWS account might not be the same location as us-east-1a for another AWS account.

To coordinate Availability Zones across accounts, you must use the AZ ID, which is a unique and consistent identifier for an Availability Zone. For example, use1-az1 is an AZ ID for the us-east-1 Region and it has the same location in every AWS account.

You can view AZ IDs to determine the location of resources in one account relative to the resources in another account. For example, if you share a subnet in the Availability Zone with the AZ ID use-az2 with another account, this subnet is available to that account in the Availability Zone whose AZ ID is also use-az2. The AZ ID for each VPC and subnet is displayed in the Amazon VPC console. For more information, see Working with Shared VPCs in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

Availibility Zone in a Region

As Availability Zones grow over time, our ability to expand them can become constrained. If this happens, we might restrict you from launching an instance in a constrained Availability Zone unless you already have an instance in that Availability Zone. Eventually, we might also remove the constrained Availability Zone from the list of Availability Zones for new accounts. Therefore, your account might have a different number of available Availability Zones in a Region than another account.

AWS Services: Compute

what is EC2?

What do you need?

How to Categorize of AWS Compute Services?

what is ELB?

What is EC2 Auto-Scaling?

AWS Services: Storage

What is Amazon S3?

What is EBS?

How about shared file system?

What is Amazon S3 Glacier?

AWS Services: Database

DIY Database vs. AWS Database Services

What is Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)?

What is Amazon Aurora?

What is Amazon Dynamo DB?

Dedicated Database Type

AWS Services: Networking

Amazon VPC

General System Architecture

AWS Services: Networking

he Pros of Using AWS Security Services

The Pros of Using AWS Security Services

Responsibility in AWS Services

what is AWS IAM?

What is AWS Shield?

License and Guarantee program

How to Pay for AWS Services

Amazon EC2: 4 Types of Billing

AWS Free Services

Learn with AWS

Learning Path for AWS

AWS Certification and training

You can learn more all about AWS by taking certification and training which published at here. There are 400++ Courses from free course until premium course. in additional, after you finished well the course, you will get the certificate as official from AWS. In the future, you will use this certificate to apply for an opportunities or vacancy.

That’s all, Thank you!



Jansutris Apriten Purba
Jansutris Apriten Purba

Written by Jansutris Apriten Purba

Love Coding, Traveling, Watching Film & Music

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